The Sex Positive Blog

Here at Cliterally The Best we focus on good vibrations! We believe feeling good should be prioritised and sex education is a human right & It's never to late to learn (or unlearn)! Read the latest shame-free sex + relationships articles on The Sex Positive Blog.

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Condom & protection excuses (debunked) & their comebacks
Sex 101

Condom & protection excuses (debunked) & their comebacks

Some people avoid using condoms, either because they think they don’t need them or they just don’t want to use them. However, condoms are essential as they are the only contraceptive method that pr...

NewsAnimals that have evolved to avoid harassment

Animals that have evolved to avoid harassment

A recent study from the University of Exeter explores how females in various species show their "sexual quality." Typically, males in the animal kingdom flaunt more striking features than femal...

PleasureDid you know? Kelloggs was created to try and stop masturbation?

Did you know? Kelloggs was created to try and stop masturbation?

In the 18th and 19th centuries, folks around the world got pretty worked up about the idea of self-pleasure. While masturbation wasn't exactly smiled upon in Judeo-Christian beliefs, the strict m...

PleasureManaging Sexual Side Effects of Antidepressants: Your Guide to Feeling Like Yourself Again

Managing Sexual Side Effects of Antidepressants: Your Guide to Feeling Like Yourself Again

Discover practical tips for managing sexual side effects of antidepressants in this friendly guide. Learn how to communicate with your healthcare provider, explore lifestyle modificati...

RelationshipsIs is time to go 'no-contact'?

Is is time to go 'no-contact'?

As difficult as it is to cease contact, many people believe that it’s one of the best routes you can take to heal the heartbreak and not prolong the pain. Let's discuss what ‘no contact’ means and...

Sex 101So, You're Looking to Become a 'Unicorn'

So, You're Looking to Become a 'Unicorn'

A 2022 survey into the UK's most common sexual fantasies by sex toy website Sinful found that 18% of respondents envisaged themselves having sex with not just one other person, but two. Scandalous....

PleasureHow Do Our Bodies Become Aroused?

How Do Our Bodies Become Aroused?

It’s safe to say, if you are reading this you will have experienced arousal at some point, but most of us would not be able to explain how this happens in our bodies. In this article I will be disc...

Wet Dreams and why we have them

Wet Dreams and why we have them

Not just for Penises Wet dreams or 'sleep org*sms' are when you ejaculate or secrete vaginal fluids during your sleep - despite what school sex ed taught us any gender can have them! Your genita...

PleasureWhat is a Sex Swing?

Sex Swings: Are they for me?

If you and your partner are looking to mix it up or just try something new, buying a sex swing can be an excellent way to embark on a new adventure or try new positions without spraining something....

PleasureThe Surprising Bond Between Cannabis & Pleasure - by AIMA

The Surprising Bond Between Cannabis & Pleasure - by AIMA

Marijuana has often been painted with a brush of misconception and negativity, primarily due to its legality, which varies around the globe. However, the more we delve into the potential benefits o...

Sex Toysthe benefits of glass sex toys

What are Glass Sex Toys?

If you are looking for a toy that you could also display in your home, glass sex toys might be next for your arsenal.  

bridging the orgasm gap cliterally the best

Bridging the Heterosexual Orgasm Gap

The orgasm gap is the reality in heterosexual relationships where cisgender men have more orgasms than their cisgender women partners. According to Durex’s research 20% of men answered that they “...

Sex Positivitynever to old to unlearn

Being Old Isn't an Excuse to be Racist, Homophobic, and Transphobic: Embracing Diversity at Every Age

In a rapidly evolving world where progress towards acceptance and equality has been made, it is disheartening to witness instances of racism, homophobia, and transphobia persisting in society. Whil...

Sex 101Introducing Sex Toys to Your Relationship: A Comprehensive Guide

Introducing Sex Toys to Your Relationship: A Comprehensive Guide

Dive into the world of introducing sex toys with Cliterally The Best! Discover playful tips and guidelines to ensure a pleasurable experience for all. Explore shared interests, address concerns, st...

Sex 101The Best Sex Toys for Anal Play: Unlocking Pleasure in a Relaxed Way

The Best Sex Toys for Anal Play: Unlocking Pleasure in a Relaxed Way

Unlock pleasure and explore the world of anal play with the best sex toys for anal sex. From beginner-friendly butt plugs to vibrating anal toys, discover the tools that will take your pleas...

To Shave or Not to Shave: That is YOUR Choice

To Shave or Not to Shave: That is YOUR Choice

Celebrate the naturalness of body hair and promote respect and inclusivity. Embrace personal grooming choices and challenge unrealistic beauty standards. Feminism supports the freedom to decide, wh...

What schools didn't teach you about your hormone cycle

What schools didn't teach you about your hormone cycle

Sex & relationships education in schools leaves a lot to the imagination, and one of those subjects is the hormone cycle of people with uteruses.  The basic curriculum teaches you that the hor...

Sexual Health'The Inequality Report' - Hertility's Pledge To Improve Reproductive Health for Black Women

'The Inequality Report' - Hertility's Pledge To Improve Reproductive Health for Black Women

'The Inequality Report' is the first of its kind and contains data from over 8,000 Black women. It provides a comprehensive review of the experiences of Black women, from menstruation through menop...

Sexual Healthhow to find your perfect condom fit

How to find your perfect condom fit

Learn how to find the perfect condom fit for safe and comfortable sex in this article. Discover how to measure your penis, how to choose the right size, and how to find the best condom for you and ...

Sexual HealthWhat Is 'Stealthing?'

What Is 'Stealthing?'

Stealthing is a term that has been in the news lately, and it's important to know what it means. It refers to the act of secretly removing or tampering with a condom during sexual intercourse witho...

Sex PositivityWhere Can I Buy Sex Positive Tshirts?

Where Can I Buy Sex Positive Tshirts?

Sex-positive t-shirts are a great way to express your support for sexual freedom and positive attitudes towards sexuality. Whether you are attending a pride parade or simply want to make a statemen...

Sex PositivityFilling the Gaps in Sexual Health Education: The Role of Online Adult Sex Education

Filling the Gaps in Sexual Health Education: The Role of Online Adult Sex Education

Discover what adult sex education is, why it's important, and how it can help individuals make informed decisions about their sexual health and well-being.

Sex PositivityWhat is Sex Positivity?

What is Sex Positivity?

Sex positivity is the idea that we should embrace and celebrate consensual sexual expression and exploration without shame or stigma. It's all about embracing the idea that sexuality is a natural ...

NewsCliterally The Best Needs You!

Cliterally The Best Needs You! has been cited in Miriam's report as an example of what is being taught in school RSE. Cliterally The Best has never taught in schools or provided content for RSE providers...