Porn Vs. Real Life

Porn Education, Not Porn Condemnation.

While many of us regardless of gender watch porn – which is MORE than fine! It’s important to remember that it isn’t real life, it's made to entertain us and is a performance, much like a movie!

Many of us had very limited sex education growing up and ended learning how to have sex through porn.

This means many of us miss out on how to stay protected from STIs as well as how to have pleasurable sex.

Real sex can be raw, messy and pretty laughable, so I’m going to tell you the main differences between porn and real-life sex!

Porn stars tend to have little to no hair down there, but in real life, 65% of vulvas and 85% of penises are hairy!

Why is this important to know?

How you fashion your body hair is up to you and YOU ONLY.

If you want to wax, shave or let it grow that's your decision and no one should ever tell you to – if so, get rid of them.

It's important to remember that it's a pornstars job and part of their job is looking the part.

This is not to say you can't shave or wax or epilate down there, it’s more than fine it's YOUR BODY. It’s just helpful to understand that it’s YOUR choice and you don’t need to look like porn to be enough.

The Sex Positive Blog

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