How Does Fertility Tracking Work? Fertility awareness/tracking or also known as natural family planning is when the vulva wonder tracks when their most fertile time is of their period and avoids h...

How Does Emergency Contraception Work? If you’ve had unprotected sex or your contraceptive has failed, emergency contraception can help stop pregnancy within 5 days. There are two types of ...

How Do Diaphragms & Caps Work? The Diaphragm is a dome-shaped piece of latex or silicone that goes into the vagina and over the cervix. The Cap is a smaller version that needs to be put...

How Does The Patch Work? The patch is a small plaster-looking material that can be stuck to your upper arm, shoulder or bum but shouldn’t be applied to breasts or broken skin. Like the combined pi...

How Do Contraceptive Pills Work? The Combined Pill The Combines Pill, often referred to as just ‘the pill’ is a type of contraceptive that contains a combination of hormones – progestogen & oe...

Penis Condoms Condoms for penises are made of very thin latex (you can get non-latex ones) that cover the penis to stop semen from entering the vagina and help reduce the spread of most STIs. Che...

How Does The Injection Work? The contraceptive injection releases the hormone progestogen into your blood to prevent pregnancy. It lasts for 8 or 13 weeks, depending on what one you are given. Wha...

Find out all about the Implant with Cliterally The Best. How they work, the pros, the cons & what to expect!

Find out all about the IUD & IUS Coil with Cliterally The Best. How they work, the pros, the cons & what to expect!
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